Thursday, December 08, 2016

English for refugees - Describing homes - finding accomodation


Aim - To help refugees with some grasp of English describe and find accommodation Greek city of Thessaloniki

Materials - Photographs of different kinds of housing  either from magazines or via  via smart phone.

Level - Elementary/intermediate.

1 - Ask students to think of their dream/perfect home. You may need a photograph to help get your message across and then describe the place and say why you want to live in this place.

2 - Now elicit suitable vocabulary for describing a home;

Type - e.g. flat/house/villa etc

Size - e.g in  square meters or number of rooms/bedrooms

Location e.g in the centre/suburbs/countryside

Amenities pool/utilities room/garage etc

3 - Write these on the board elicit further terms from the students.

4 - Now students look for a suitable dream home on their smart phones or simply describe it to the person next to them. Students then ask each other why they want to live in this place.

5 - Now draw a floor plan of your own or one you have found on the internet. Label the rooms and facilities, check comprehension.

6 - Students then draw their own present home/previous residence floor plan or for their dream home.

7 - Students then describe their plan.

e,g, It is/was
       It has/had
       I like/liked etc


Aim - To help refugees with some grasp of English describe and find accommodation Greek city of Thessaloniki

Materials - Photographs of different kinds of housing  either from magazines or via  via smart phone and a map of the city..

Level - Elementary/intermediate

1 - In the next lesson recap the language used to describe homes (see part one)


2 - Now divide the students into two groups landlords/landladies and tenants - explain terms.

3 - Now in their groups students think of questions the landlords/landladies and tenants would ask.


e'g How long do you want to stay?
     Do you have pets?
     How many people are there in your family?
     How will you pay the rent?- cash/credit card/direct debit?


e.g Where is the apartment?
      How big is it?
      How many bedrooms does it have?
      How much is the rent?
      Howe much is the deposit? 

4 - Write these and any others on the board so students can see them during the following exercises.

5 - Give out landlords/landladies and tenants role play cards (cut into strips)

6 - Work on vocabulary issues and either assign roles at random or ask student to choose their own roles. 

7 - Students write down/copy suitable questions and practice them in pairs.

8 - Now students stand up and the landlords/landladies go to one corner of the room and tenants to the other. Explain that the tenants are looking for accommodation and the landlords/landladies have properties in and around Thessaloniki. Remind students that in Greece prices are often are negotiable so they can haggle/negotiate things such as cost of rent.

You may also need to pin up a large  map of the city to help students understand where the properties are located

9 - Student try to find suitable property/tenant. Encourage students to try more than one option.

10 Students then explain how they made their choice to the class.

11 - If time permits students swap roles.

In the next lesson students can repeat the exercise using their real life details in order to recap.


Nouman Shakeel said...

depression test

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mosquito fumigation service said...

The design of this house is awesome and I know this will be the greatest house when it's completed. The way you are designing this makes it more beautiful and interesting. I can't wait to see this when it's completed. I hope all things go as you are planning and you will complete this project.

Jasmine Kurb said...

The map of this house is big and the designs are on point. It will be one of the greatest houses built by humans. A lot of students are studying in the field of architecture and they need help managing the academic workload with it. Availing assignment writing services in Dubai will be an option that can boost their progress by finishing the projects faster and leaving students with no worries about assignments.